


Kalaripayattu – All levels


South Indian martial art taught in the lineage of Kalarigram and Hindustan Kalari Sangham.


Considered a dynamic yoga, Kalaripayattu develops grounding, willpower, balance, Coordination, agility, speed & stamina. Beneficial mentally, physically and spiritually, it enhances concentration, creativity, self confidence and the control of emotions.


During this workshop we will explore some of the following:

Kalari Vandanam – Kalari Salutation

Prārambha Vyāyāma – Preparation exercises

Chuvadukal – Basic leg positions

Kāllukal – Leg swing exercises

Vadivukal – Animal postures

Prānayama – Breathing exercises

Surya Namaskar and Shanti Mantras

Introduction to long stick (Vadi) for practicioners who have done courses or several


3.11. 2023, sunday
24.11. 2023, sunday
TIME: 10:00 – 12:30
PRICE: 25 Eur
LECTURER: Laurence Morlon



Laurence has always put the spiritual quest at the heart of her life, exploring the body as it is lived, as a gateway to a modern and ancient traditional space. She spent seven years primarily in India, dedicated to living daily the teachings with which she resonates, both self exploring and immersing herself in the authenticity of the traditions that each of her masters embody.


A practioner of Yoga for over 25 years and with over 15 years of teaching experience, Laurence offers classes to all experience levels and accomodate to the personal needs of her students. She shares her practices of evolutionary Pralaya Yoga, metaphysical Kalaripayattu, and esoteric Sri Vidya Tantra.
Laurence is trained in modern dance, classical indian dance Bharata Natyam and Odissi, and in south indian martial art Kalaripayattu. She is certified in Hatha Yoga Vinyasa 200h, in Pralaya Yoga 500h, and in abhyanga ayurvedic massage. Laurence is initiated in Sri Vidya Tantra, tradition within which she researched and developped the performance of danced rituals, with the blessing and under the guidance of her Guru Lakshman Gurukkal.
She is the founder of Sparsa Kalari, a school dedicated to the development of the sense of Touch, and by extention to our ability to see, feel, perceive and intuit.